코로나 시대에 필요한 극장 에티켓
The Theater Etiquette for Covid-19 Erashort film, 2020
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
[ Still Images ]

[ Cast ]
이나리 (Na-ri Lee)
이신성 (Sin-Sung Lee)
강태영 (Tae-Young Kang)
[ Staff ]
Dirctor : 정인 (Jung In)
Producer : 최원석 (Won-Seok Choi)
Director of Photography : 전시형 (Shi-Hyoung Jeon)
Editor : 이승현 (Seung-Hyun Lee)
Sound Mixing : 박송열 (Song-Yeol Park)
Gaffer : 송강석 (Kang-Seok Song), 조병훈 (Byong-Hoon Jo)
Assistants of Cmaera : 김건희 (Kun-Hee Kim)
2020, Autumn